Periodic inquires by credit card companies you do business with will not affect your score. Bank inquiries for additional credit could, yes.
Which inquieries deduct more from your fico score- bank inquiery (for unsecured debt) or credit card inquiery?
The only inquiries that may affect your FICO score are the ones caused by you physically filling out applications for new credit....regardless of the type of loan or credit card...These are called %26quot;hard%26quot; inquiries. What you want to especially avoid is filling out a bunch of credit apps all at once...this could really cause your score to tank.
It is impossible to tell precisely how many points each inquiry will cause the score to drop....Just one though would not cause a huge might be in the 2-5 point range...nothing major....The big point drops come when you fill out several applications for new credit all at the same time.....five new applications on the same day could cause a drop of 50 or more points.
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