Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

When getting a divorce in Florida will I have to pay for my husband credit card debts equally, even if I%26#039;m not a cosigner in his?

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

put it in the divorce decree that he is responsible for his own debts. i divorced my husband in florida, he had many credit cards with his name only, i never knew he had them, if your name is not on them,than u should not be held accountable. i was not held accountable for his debt, they never came after me, if not in your name than i believe they are his problem, and he is responsible not you. just make sure it is in the divorce decree that he be responsible for his own debt.

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

its possible... depends on the judgement.

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

yes thats what pre numps are 4

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

Yes, his credit is your credit. That is what bites. But if he is willing to pay his debt and you pay yours, there should be no problem. But if he doesn%26#039;t pay it and he goes bankrupt before you are officially divorced, then that is ruining your credit too. It will haunt you for a long time. I am so sorry!

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

if the credit card were obtain during the marriage it is concidered to be a marrital liability and he is resposible for half

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

It all depends on the individual Judge and how he interprets the situation and his opinion on the matter. Good luck!

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

I%26#039;m not sure how it works in FL but in IL they said when I got my divorce that my ex could be made to pay half of ALL bills due to the fact that he benefitted from the things that were charged on the credit card during our marriage. His name was not on any of the credit cards.

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

That doesn%26#039;t sound right because couldn%26#039;t you prove that you never used the card for any of your personal purchases?

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

A court can do anything as between the parties but a court cannot let either party out of his/her legal liability to the credit card company.

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

It%26#039;s only possible if your ex husband made purchases based on your marriage.

For example large merchandise for your home. The only way you would have to pay if he submits all the credit card statements that proves what he bought.

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

If you did not use the credit cards and are not a co-signer then

you can probably leave him with the debt..

Are credit card debts divisible when getting a divorce even if not shared?

Everything aquired during the marriage whether it be debt%26#039;s or asset%26#039; yes your are accountable aswell even if its not in your name.

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